PostDoc Discussion Forum

    Listed below are the latest posts on our sister site relating to PostDoc jobs. Click a topic title to view the message.

    1 to 30 of 60 PostDoc Forum Threads
    Topic Title
    Have you completed (or considering) postgraduate with a disability or neurodivergence?
    JTippett_FAU [Registered User]
    Going from PhD to a Masters in Research due to poor advisor support and input. What are my options?
    RESEARCHER_OMEGA [Registered User]
    Disappointed Postdoc: Is academia really that toxic?
    queserasera [Registered User]
    Is There Still Time?
    VK799 [Registered User]
    Submitted my thesis! Now what?
    DarkDragon86 [Registered User]
    Reaching out to PhD supervisors
    ZoeW [Registered User]
    Should I take the offer of a PhD - not the usual ask..
    GmanA [Registered User]
    PhD Application
    aerilab [Registered User]
    Existing PhD students. Are you satisfied?
    HPG [Registered User]
    External examiner gave me annotated thesis at end of viva
    WestWind [Registered User]
    Supervisors making me downgrade to Mphil please advise
    Buchi [Registered User]
    Post-doc interview help?
    bex96 [Registered User]
    Study Groups London
    oscarmeyer7 [Registered User]
    Do you know someone who left a PhD early?
    inegi [Registered User]
    Should I Quit My PhD and Start a Full-Time Job with Just Over 6 Months Left?
    whitesmaverick [Registered User]
    Looking for a Supervisor to discuss my potential Research Ideas before research Proposal
    Afsha [Registered User]
    Post-PhD job search woes
    bluejizo [Registered User]
    Looking for participants for my thesis --Short Daily Survey on Emotion Experience
    aaronge [Registered User]
    Failed masters
    Pleasantnk [Registered User]
    Phd admission
    Nsanmi [Registered User]
    PhD after resubmission nightmare - thanks to all!
    PhDFinally19732 [Registered User]
    How Long Does it Take to Receive the Correction List After Getting Minor Corrections in a viva?
    samcassel [Registered User]
    GCSEs impacting application
    Lainy [Registered User]
    How to tell advisor I want to transfer after just accepting the offer letter for his university
    Butl_a [Registered User]
    Phd -extra review
    sarahbeep [Registered User]
    12 months revise and resubmit finally ended with a pass with minor corrections
    tr1992 [Registered User]
    Post doc uncertainty
    hatemyphd84 [Registered User]
    As a mature part-time student, what are the chances of getting a PhD?
    ninjaperrok9 [Registered User]
    Publishing from a theoretical monograph (humanities)
    ksja [Registered User]
    Have questions about postgraduate study?πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“
    FAUHolly [Registered User]
    1 to 30 of 60 PostDoc Forum Threads

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