Postdoctoral position at the University of Bern and the Bern University of Applied Sciences

    The SCAI – Swiss Center for Augmented Intelligence ( is a national competence center for the development and implementation of augmented intelligence. This center is an initiative of the Swiss Capital Region and focuses on three strategic priorities: an interdisciplinary scientific center of excellence, an independent national reference institution for augmented intelligence and an “Innovation & Partnership” pole for the joint development of projects with companies and the public sector.

    In the context of this interdisciplinary project, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in
    the field of natural language processing for a shared position among the University of Bern
    (Unibe) and the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), starting in early 2024 or as soon as possible. The contract will be 50% with BFH and 50% with Unibe, and have an initial
    duration of 18 months, with a potential option for a 2 years extension afterwards.

    In this position you can expect the following benefits:

    • Collaboration with different Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, and
    industry partners as member of the Swiss Center for Augmented Intelligence (SCAI)
    • Visibility of own research and networking at multiple institutions across Switzerland
    • Flexibility on research topics; possibility to explore the candidate's own interests
    upon discussion
    • Possibilities to (co-)supervise students

    We are looking for a highly motivated team-player with good communication skills to engage in an interdisciplinary team, having expertise in deep learning/machine learning, NLP including language models and a strong publication record in these areas. The candidate has very good English skills and a strong interest in the social impact of technologies.

    Your tasks will involve the design and execution of novel research projects, writing scientific
    papers and grant proposals, the participation in the organisation of the different events
    planned in the context of SCAI (e.g., workshops, public conferences, etc.), and the
    communication/dissemination of research results for both the scientific community (top-tier
    journals and conferences) and public media. In the context of SCAI, postdoctoral researchers from the different partner Universities will collaborate closely and have periodical meetings to synchronize their work.

    Please send your full application, including CV, publications list, statement of research
    interests and contact details for two referees to

    Applications will be accepted until the position is fulfilled.

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