Postdoctoral Scholar Opening in Indoor Air Quality

    • Application Deadline
      31 December 2024

    Position Summary
    EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position within the School of Architecture, Civil, and Environmental Engineering. The successful candidate will join the Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL), based at EPFL's Fribourg campus in the city of Fribourg.

    As part of this role, HOBEL aims to expand knowledge in one or more of the following areas:
    • Sources, concentrations, and transformations of indoor air pollutants
    • Human inhalation exposure
    • Building ventilation and controls
    • Modeling of indoor air quality

    Entry Requirements
    • Strong candidates will possess:
    • Proven expertise in one or more research areas mentioned above
    • A PhD degree (or near completion) in Mechanical, Civil, or Architectural Engineering, or a related field
    • Proficiency in data analytics and programming languages (MATLAB, R, Python, etc.)
    • A strong aptitude for experimental and field-based research
    • A solid track record of publications in leading peer-reviewed journals
    • Excellent teamwork, communication (written and oral in English), and interpersonal skills

    How to apply
    Applicants should send a single file in PDF format including a cover letter describing their research experience and interests (max. 2 pages), a CV, and the names and contact information (including e-mail addresses) for three references to: Prof. Dusan Licina (). Please indicate the following email subject: Application for a Postdoctoral Scholar Opening in Indoor Air Quality.

    Timelines and working conditions
    The start date is flexible, with a preference for early appointment. The contracts are given on an annual basis, however, we are seeking for a multi-year appointment (minimum 2 years). Positions will remain open until filled.
    The successful candidate will have the opportunity to gain experience in leading research projects and teams. There will also be possibilities to contribute to the lab’s teaching activities, if desired. The successful candidate will also have full access to all EPFL research facilities in Fribourg and on the main campus in Lausanne. We also offer national and international development opportunities through collaborations within academia and with industry. The annual salary is very competitive compared to other universities in Europe and in the USA.

    For more information about HOBEL, see:

    For more information about Prof. Dusan Licina, see:

    For more information about EPFL, see:

    For more information about Smart Living Lab, see:

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