Revealing the Origin of Autophagosomes

    Our laboratory "Membrane Biochemistry and Transport” at the Institut Pasteur investigates fundamental molecular mechanisms of autophagy using a combination of in vitro reconstitutions, advanced imaging technologies, cell biology and electron microscopy. A three-year ANR funded postdoctoral position is available in our laboratory from January 2025.
    The project aims to reveal how autophagosomes are formed, which is one of the biggest open questions in the field. Our exciting preliminary study paved the way to answer this question using a novel in vivo reconstitution approach in combination with light and electron microscopy techniques.
    We are looking for a candidate who is interested to learn and apply interdisciplinary approaches including cutting edge super-resolution microscopy, electron microscopy (CLEM, immune-gold, cryo-EM) and biochemistry. A solid background in one or more of these techniques will be required.
    Interested candidates should contact me by e-mail (). Please provide your CV, a letter of motivation, the names and contact information for three referees, and your Master and PhD certificates (including grades).

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