Research Fellow

    University of Warwick
    Reference: 110024-0225
    Fixed-term contract for 36 months.
    Salary : £34,866 to £45,163 per annum
    About the Role

    For informal enquiries, please contact Professor Bruno Frenguelli at .

    Funder: MRC

    Title: UKRI535: Gα-selective Adenosine A1 Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics Devoid of Cardiorespiratory Depression

    Funding: 36 months restricted to start by 01 July 2025

    Project Dates: 01 July 2025 to 30 June 2028

    We have discovered a novel painkilling mechanism activated by an unusual agonist of the adenosine A1 receptor (A1R). This agonist, BnOCPA, seems only to activate one of the six Gi/o Gα subunits that adenosine receptors can couple to – the Gob subunit. Since this subunit is found at low levels in the heart, BnOCPA does not affect blood pressure or heart rate, but still acts as a potent analgesic in a preclinical model of neuropathic pain.

    In this project, funded by the MRC, we will investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of BnOCPA and a related derivative, and test BnOCPA in neuropathic and inflammatory pain models.

    About the research group
    The project involves three labs at the University of Warwick (Frenguelli, Wall and Zhang). Each group brings specific expertise to the project and different aspects will be overseen as required.

    The three groups are part of the Neuroscience Research Cluster in the School of Life Sciences at Warwick University. We are a diverse group of neuroscientists who study a variety of physiological and pathological process occurring in the nervous system. Through in silico, molecular, cellular and whole animal approaches, we investigate fundamental properties of synaptic transmission and plasticity, the influence of pathogenic proteins, and the impact and mechanisms of stress, pain and epilepsy.

    The labs are located in the Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building (IBRB), a new £54m state-of-the-art research facility that combines cutting edge research infrastructure with award-winning architecture.

    For more information about our lab visit:

    For details of the BnOCPA paper visit:

    We and the wider University of Warwick environment offer substantial opportunities for professional development including regular opportunities to present research finding at internal, local, national and international conferences.

    KEYWORDS: adenosine, pain, analgesia

    About You
    The successful applicant will have a PhD or equivalent in neuroscience or a related discipline, and with expertise in experimental studies of physiology, particularly, but not exclusively in electrophysiology (ideally patch-clamping) and/or the behavioural assessment of pain and analgesia.

    We also welcome applications from people with a good experimental track record keen to learn new techniques.

    Applicants should be proficient in experimental research and have a published track record to evidence this.

    For further information regarding the skills required for this role please see the personal specification section of the attached job description.

    If you are near submission or have recently submitted your PhD but have not yet had it conferred, any offers of employment will be made as Research Assistant at the top of level 5 of the University grade structure. Upon receipt of evidence of the successful award of your PhD, you will be promoted to Research Fellow on the first point of level 6 of the University grade structure.

    About the Department

    We believe that collegiality, openness, inclusivity and diversity are essential for an excellent environment; this ethic has enabled us to gain an Athena SWAN Silver award. We are dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace, so if you are excited by this role, we encourage you to apply, even if your past experience does not match exactly. We also encourage applications from all groups with protected characteristics.

    About the University
    Born in the 60s with a mindset of boldness, imagination and collaboration, the University of Warwick is a world-leading research-intensive university with the highest academic and research standards. We’re one of the world’s top universities, ranked 67th in the world and 10th in the UK*, with 92% of our research assessed to be ‘world leading or internationally excellent’**.

    You'll be joining a diverse, innovative and globally connected community committed to igniting real world progress. Here at Warwick, we offer you opportunities to follow your ambitions as long as you bring the energy and determination to succeed.

    *QS World University Rankings 2024

    ** Research Excellence Framework 2021

    To find out more about us visit our website.

    How to Apply
    CLOSING DATE: Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 11.55pm

    To apply, please click the apply button and submit an application form by the closing date. Please plan for any potential delays as you will not be able to submit an application past this deadline (even if you opened the form at, say, 11.30pm).

    Please attach a CV and cover letter.

    Your CV should include your most recent employment experience, any other relevant experience, and education history.
    Your cover letter must detail how you meet each of the essential criteria found in the Job Description document below (desirable criteria too, where possible).
    Please see here for guidance on writing a cover letter. We highly recommend using individual criteria as headers and giving examples below, though you are free to format the letter as you wish.

    Please note that if you do not evidence the essential requirements we may not be able to shortlist your application.

    This information will be used in the shortlisting process and without this evidence we may not be able to shortlist your application.

    In your application, you can also include any career breaks you may have taken (e.g. parental/caring/long-term sick leave, part-time work, secondments) or any periods where you were unable or restricted to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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