UCD Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 or 2

    Competition - 018319

    Applications are invited for a temporary post of a Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 or 2 within UCD School of Geography.

    Applications are invited for the position of UCD Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 or 2 to join an experienced interdisciplinary team working on the EPA project “WaterFutures”. The aim of this role is to build useful datasets and tools to improve our understanding of the impacts of climate change on river hydromorphology (and ecology) in Ireland, using future climate change scenarios that have been developed as part of the WaterFutures project.

    This is an academic research role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.

    The primary purpose of the role is to further develop your research skills and competences, including the processes of publication in peer-reviewed academic publications, the development of funding proposals, the mentorship of graduate students along with the opportunity to develop your skills in research led teaching.

    PD1 Salary Range: €44,847 - €51,313 Per Annum Pro Rata @ FTE
    PD2 Salary Range: €52,715 - €54,198 Per Annum Pro Rata @ FTE
    Appointment on the above range will be dependent upon qualifications and experience.

    Closing date: 12:00 noon (local Irish time) on the 11th of March 2025.

    Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified. Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 12:00 noon (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system. UCD are unable to accept late applications.

    UCD do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies. Any CV's submitted by Recruitment Agencies will be returned.
    The PD1 position is intended for early stage researchers, either just after completion of a PhD or for someone entering a new area for the first time. If you have already completed your PD1 stage in UCD or will soon complete a PD1, or you are an external applicant whose total Postdoctoral experience, inclusive of the duration of the advertised post, would exceed 4 years, you should not apply and should refer to PD2 posts instead.
    The PD2 post is intended for researchers that have completed PD1. As with the PD1, if you have already completed your PD2 stage in UCD or will soon complete a PD2, or your total Postdoctoral experience, inclusive of the duration of the advertised post, would exceed 6 years, you should not apply and should refer to Research Fellow posts instead.

    Prior to application, further information (including application procedure) should be obtained from the Work at UCD website: https://www.ucd.ie/workatucd/jobs/

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