Postdoctoral position in Cancer Biology

    • Application Deadline
      21 August 2016
      (application date has expired)
    • Contact Name
      Markus Müschen, MD-PhD

    About us: Our group is interested in comparative analyses of normal lymphocyte development and malignant transformation towards leukemia. We cover research areas with relevance to both Immunology and Hematology/Cancer Biology. Our research involves experiments with primary human leukemia cells, leukemia and stem cell transplantation models, mouse genetics, classical molecular and cell biology, a strong emphasis on signal transduction and large-scale data analysis and computational biology.

    Flow cytometry, mass spectrometry/quantitative phospho-profiling, CyTOF, mouse genetics, bone marrow transplantation assays, retroviral gene delivery, whole exome sequencing andRNA-seq-analysis of clonal evolution of leukemia, pre-clinical drug testing in xenotransplantation models.

    Examples of our recent work:
    1. Shojaee S et al. Erk negative feedback control enables pre-B cell transformation and represents a therapeutic target in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2015; 28:114-128.

    2. Swaminathan S. et al. Mechanisms of clonal evolution in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Immunol. 2015;16: 766-774.

    3. Chen Z. et al., Signalling thresholds and negative B-cell selection in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Nature. 2015; 521:357-361.

    4. Geng H. et al. Self-enforcing feedback activation between BCL6 and pre-B cell receptor signaling defines a distinct subtype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2015; 27: 409-425.

    5. Shojaee S et al., PTEN opposes negative selection and enables oncogenic transformation of pre-B cells. Nature Med. 2016; 22: 379-387

    Genuine enthusiasm for science, willingness to think beyond established concepts and to try and learn new experimental and analysis tools. The lab takes a team science approach, so being a nice person and is important as well.

    Your application should include in one single PDF:
    (1) brief motivation statement, (2) CV and (3) coordinates of three scientific mentors (references).

    Contact information:
    Markus Müschen, MD-PhD
    [email protected]

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