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    Submitted my thesis! Now what?

    User: DarkDragon86 - 12 May 2024 07:25

    Just over a week ago, I finally submitted my PhD thesis, almost 11 years after my initial enrolment date. Now I'm wondering where I go from here.

    I still have to wait at least 3 months to get my results, but I'm wondering if I should start looking into a Post Doc or even if I want/need to do one (assuming I actually pass and get my doctorate). While I enjoyed some aspects of the research, some aspects took a huge toll on my mental and physical health (my candidature was a dumpster fire; see my post history). So while I think I would enjoy doing some research in the future, I would prefer my career to be largely teaching focused (I have already been tutoring for more than 10 years and lecturing for the last 3).

    If I plan to be mostly teaching-focused and concentrate on lecturing and unit/content development etc, will a Post Doc even be useful? I was briefly discussing it with my supervisor the other day (in a rushed meeting in the hall as each of us were on the way to other commitments, and she's now on leave due to illness) and she said she did not think I would enjoy doing a Post Doc as you are essentially dedicating 1-3 years of your life to someone else's project you may not be that interested in. So I'm leaning towards not doing it, but if even a teaching-focused academic career requires one, I will still need to consider it.

    Has anyone else done a Post Doc and then gone into a teaching role? Did you find the Post Doc helped advance your career or would you choose not to do it if you had your time again?

    (for context, I am in Australia in the Information Technology field)

    User: Dazzler_Junior - 12 May 2024 09:11

    Well done Darkdragon, you must be so relieved! Good luck with the viva! No advice here, I am 6 years in (it’s been a killer) and hoping to submit next summer (expected submission deadline is Oct 25, latest is Oct 26). I think this forum seems quiet now so it was good to see a fresh post! 😅

    User: johnnndiesel - 23 May 2024 05:36


    You should research the specific requirements of universities you are interested in. Some might prefer candidates with Post Doc experience, while others might prioritize teaching experience and pedagogical skills.


    User: abuislam - 05 June 2024 08:28

    Making the decision between pursuing a Post Doc or focusing on teaching can be tough. While a Post Doc can offer valuable research experience, your passion for teaching and your desire to prioritize your well-being are important factors to consider. It might be helpful to seek advice from colleagues or mentors who have gone through similar experiences to gain insights. Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose the path that aligns best with your career aspirations and personal goals. Best of luck!

    User: johndharris - 06 June 2024 08:37

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