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    How Long Does it Take to Receive the Correction List After Getting Minor Corrections in a viva?

    User: samcassel - 13 June 2024 12:39

    I sat my viva at the end of last month. During the post-viva meeting, the two examiners informed me that I passed with minor corrections and orally gave me the revision feedback. According to my university's regulations, I should receive a formal correction list letter, after which I will have up to three months to complete the minor corrections. It has now been two weeks since my viva, and I still haven't received this letter. Could anyone share their experiences on how long it typically takes to receive the official correction letter after getting minor corrections?

    User: DWW - 13 June 2024 19:39

    Mine took about 4 weeks, for minor corrections

    User: samcassel - 15 June 2024 14:21

    Just let you know that I got my list of corrections yesterday.

    User: travisscott - 03 August 2024 10:50

    It typically takes a few weeks to a month to receive the official correction letter. If you don't receive it soon, follow up with your university's administration.

    User: travisscott - 06 August 2024 06:54

    The correction list for minor corrections after a viva typically takes 2-4 weeks, but it can vary by institution. Check with your supervisor for a precise timeline.

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